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If your IRA or 401k is not handled properly, it will benefit the IRS more than it will benefit you.  You have spent a lot of years saving your money.  We want to make sure that the government does not receive the fruit of your hard work. The most famous generation in American history is retiring!  The Baby Boomer Generation, as defined by the U.S Census Bureau, Americans born between January 1st, 1946 and December 31st, 1964, began turning 65 on January 1st, 2011.  This is when the Baby Boomer generation reaches retirement age. At RidgeBrooke  we specialize in planning for your retirement and this includes rolling over your 401k and all other qualified plans.  Our goal is that you never outlive your money. At RidgeBrooke, we make the rollover process easy by  guiding you through each step of the rollover process.  Rolling over your qualified plan to another qualified plan allows your money to continue growing tax-deferred until you begin receiving distributions. We can help you decide  if a rollover is the right for you.


Contact us today to schedule a complimentary introductory meeting! Call us at (931) 526-8515.

By contacting us, you may be offered information regarding the purchase of insurance and investment products.

Your insurance professional and Registered Investment Advisor/Registered Representative is not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein shall constitute, tax or legal advice. You should consult with a legal or tax professional on any such matters.


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9am to 5pm CST, Monday-Friday

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